Tuesday 29 March 2011

miSs 7

WhAt a tiRing dAy..!wEll.. I’m uSed to It acTually. But hAri niE maCam terLebiH pEnat. mY bRain dA mcaM larva Yg nAk meletOp..anywaY Iman mAsih di dAda, daPat la berTahan.  today da pLan naK have fUn ngAn iLa, buT as uSual la.. aDe je urUsan yang mEndaTang. dE yang nak peGi  jUmpe dentist la, mIntaK aMbik Kan kaT Terminal la, yang nAk knE jemPut dr Extra ClaZ pon sAtu hal gak. I have n0 cHoicE but cAncel mY pLan. mEantIme, my angel pLak wat hal. She is different pErson now, I cAn’t even recogNize her . sHe is no more my AngEl, myBe I caN saY shE is A giant mOunsTer tHat I really scared of. ShE is not lOking at me wIth her soft sight anymore, she is Not a HappY angel gIrl, sHe looks like uNhappY with heR own life and To be WorsE..shE mAkes rUin oTher people life tOo (espEciAlly mE).

apArt oF thEse mEss,,..i ‘vE bEen thIngkIng  bOut sumOne. wHo is vEry fAr from mE, I cOuld’nt reach it bEcoz of de dIstaNce. inFact, I won’t make other’s life horrible juZ beCoz oF me. bUt it iS de fact that hE is sUch a rElief fOr me..wArm ..safe..cOmfort..and pleasant…I mIss him especially wHen tHe wOrld mAke a meSs in my hEart. aPepOn yG jaDi ari ni, I fEel no rEgret cOz I’m dOing aLL dis fOr mY own pEople. I lOve tHem tOo..fIghTing!fIghtIng!!

1 comment:

Miss L said...

Aja!! aja!! fighting!!